Notion Word Tracker & Counter Template

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Make counting the words you write daily easy.

Get a quick overview of how well you're doing, how many words you've written, and how fast you wrote.

The Old Ways

For years, I used a spreadsheet for my daily word count. But I would often forget to use it, especially for anything but fiction.

Vs Now :)

This new Notion Word Counter template makes it easy to remember to add everything public, like nonfiction books, articles, blog posts, emails, and fiction.

You can simply click Add New and add either a new writing you can finish in one sitting or add your daily attribution to a work in progress.

Use the habit tracker to get better habits of writing, reading, and learning to make sure you don't do one and not the other.

How Can This Word Counter Help You?

When you count every writing you publish, even down to emails and blog posts, it's motivating.

It will show you by the end of the day, week, month, or year, how much you really got done.

And how well you stuck to your goals.

With just one glance, you can tell if you're below or above your goals and can easily compensate, if you're behind.

That will save you from lacking behind with your writing, and it will help you keep your deadlines.

Plus, it makes writing fun. You get visual feedback to how many words you've written that day, and it feels immensely satisfying to add every new word count to the Word Counter.

And the Habit Tracker will help build good habits. Make sure to check every day where you both read, write, and learn. Don't do one without the other. Or you can see the result immediately on your habit tracker.

Having a hard time focusing?

The Word Counter has a built-in pomodoro timer that you can set to whatever sprint time you prefer. And with the binaural beats that make you both more creative and more focused, you'll write faster than you'll ever done.

How can you tell? Well, the Notion Word Counter will also calculate your Words Per Hour for you.

Don't worry, if you don't have Notion, yet. You'll get a link to where you can download it (Windows, Mac), and it's free for most uses.

You can certainly use this Notion Word Counter with just a free version of Notion.

What's Inside?

You'll see everything that's inside in the video above, but here's a quick list:

  • Buttons to easily add new quick writings, and new Work In Progress writings
  • Buttons to edit quick writings and WIP writings
  • Built-in tracker will keep track of your last word count in your WIP writings
  • Easy overview of your progress
  • Two audio files with binaural beats for focus and creativity, length 15 minutes and 25 minutes
  • Pomodoro timer for writing in sprints to get your writing done, and faster
  • Habit tracker to help you get better daily habits
  • Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and all time overview of your word counts and words per hour


  • You'll get lifetime access to this Word Counter and updates
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Notion Word Tracker & Counter Template

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